Friday, April 26, 2013

In Response to Jake Atherton's April 20th Post

What do you think of the new logo? Is it better than the old one? Will it give them a competitive advantage over the other movie studios?

Personally, I like the new logo. It is much more "epic" and provides the viewer with the perception of a larger company with more power. However, like Jake mentioned, it really depends on the films Lionsgate produces from here on out. It's just a logo. The general public doesn't go to the movies because of the company producing it - they go for the movie itself.

Response to Class Question, "To Sell or not to Sell?"

If John Smith decides to sell the names and numbers of those surveyed to a car dealership, it would directly violate a part of the AMA's Statement of Ethics - specifically, honesty. It is for this reason that I believe that John Smith should not sell the names. Although it would bring in some revenue, it would be unethical, because the people who filled out the questionnaire were under the impression that the information was intended for the Ohio Department of Economic Development. This is most definitely a common dilemma among those who hold private information of large groups of people. However, ethical decisions are not always made.